

Isa's Story
Dr E.E. (Isa) Lindwall is interviewed about his life and his work with Freedom Through Releasing by Diana Keam in Cape Town, South Africa. (2006)
Kinesiology and Releasing
Dr E.E. (Isa) Lindwall demonstrates how he uses kinesiology muscle tests as part of his Freedom Through Releasing work to Diana Keam in Cape Town, South Africa. (2006)
Isa's 85th Birthday
A collage of sight and sound from a 7-day workshop during Isa's 85th birthday on the island of Ischia in Italy. Don't miss the clips of Isa and Yolanda dancing and Yolanda serenading Isa! (2004) This is an all-new soundtrack including two songs from words written by Isa - "The Universal Prayer" Singer: Sabine Seelig, composed by: Yolanda Lindwall, Birgit Leibfried & Sabine Seelig; and "Children of the Light" composed and performed by James Shaw.
Starr Talk
Robert Bruce Starr interviews Isa and Yolanda Lindwall for Los Angeles public-access TV. With kinesiology demonstrations. August 14, 2002.
New Realities
Alan Steinfeld interviews Dr E.E. (Isa) Lindwall and his wife Yolanda about their "Freedom Through Releasing" work on his "New Realities" NY Public Access TV show. (1998?)




Freedom Through Releasing
David O Sullivan interviews Isa and Yolanda Lindwall for Cape Town's 702 Talk Radio. September 4, 1997. (49 mins)