
Excerpts from the many letters and cards received:

  • Dear Isa and Yolanda,

    My words are part of another love drop, floating, swimming, ebbing and flowing through this wondrous and awesome stream called life. Thank you for touching me at my core this weekend and for guiding me into ever-deepening realms of love, joy and peace. You have opened up my shell in order to reveal the beautiful, pure pearl that is me. Only, and then not even, in my dreams did I imagine that this is really what life is - a giving and receiving of the essence of love, the ripples of which will go on forever - I feel it so strongly.

    Spirit Most High, THANK YOU for bringing Isa and Yolanda here again in order that they may touch another heart, and another heart, and so on ... I know that I have truly connected with my loved ones in a new, deep and wonderful way since encountering You Two Beautiful and Magnificent Souls.

    May you always be blessed and guided and may we all reap the benefits of your incredible work, until all of life is touched by the love that is not only possible, but is infinitely within us to share and to give. And So It Is.

    My love to you forever,
    Di Maris, Musician, Cape Town

  • "I use the powerful Lindwall Releasing phrase... 'I now release the need to' … almost every day in my own life and therapy work. I can highly recommend the releasing work of Isa and Yolanda which I experienced first-hand in 1999. It facilitated huge shifts in my life which led me to pioneer, promote in South Africa and become a practitioner myself of the emotional-energy release work of The Journey and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Thousands have come to experience the benefits of letting go and forgiveness of self and others, facilitated at a deep level by this type of work!"

    Caryl Morgan, Accredited Practitioner of The Journey and EFT

  • Please know that I use the releasing in one way or another every time I work. And I value this so very much. And you all!

    Love, Ida Kendall, C.Ht., O.M., Los Angeles

  • Yolanda , Isa, I do love you two a lot. Spirit most high be with you now and ever and with your loved ones. I send you from my heart light golden of unconditional love, stars of happiness, angels with all the colors of the universe to bless you and protect your big souls ,,,, thanks for what you give me and what you give to my country and thanks for what you give to the world.

    Lolo Miro Quesada, Cusco, Peru

  • I am writing to tell you that I am very well, very happy, the releasing technique is very useful and works for me on all aspects of my life. Please tell Isa and Yolanda that I am sending them all my love.

    Maria Liz Molas, Asuncion, Paraguay

  • I found the way the Lindwalls were ready to make themselves available to those who needed them very moving and a very special experience. Many people reported to me afterwards how their lives had been changed in a positive way by working with the Lindwalls...

    C.M. - Irene, South Africa

  • Thanks both of you for caring enough to help heal a hurting world.

    D.K. - Writer, Cape Town, South Africa

  • Thank you for coming to South Africa to bring your Releasing work for the benefit of all beings. I personally have experienced great help...I can heartily recommend this process to all people....

    R.G. - Scarborough, South Africa

  • (Releasing) improves the quality of one's life and one's personal relationships. Releasing can be applied to problem-solving in the business environment, for this is an effective method to improve communication and harmony in a group.

    D.C. - Health care practitioner, Gauteng, South Africa

  • Thank you to the Lindwall Foundation....Releasing is from my point of view a necessity. It is a basis, that all races on this planet will be able to come together, in a peaceful way. I hope that your work and teachings will reach many people on this planet. It will change it to a better place.

    M.H. - Health care practitioner, Dormagen, Germany

  • Each time I do work with Doc and Ruth, I take a quantum leap on my journey. It is so important for those in the healing profession to have a place where they can go to get replenished. The training was a welcomed retreat where I could go to be nourished and leave with new and effective tools I could give to my clients.

    V.S. - Therapist, California, USA

  • It's phenomenal! My former feelings of despair, helplessness and lack of purpose are gone.

    L.A. - Secretary, Hawaii, USA

  • Nine years of association with the Lindwalls have been priceless times of growth and unconditional love. Their work has been invaluable in every area of my life...

    R.F. - Entrepreneur, New York, USA

  • Although a trained professional counselor, I was finding my work increasingly fatiguing. The Releasing process not only removed personal blocks but provided me with tools and insights which now make my work both fulfilling and revitalizing.

    D.W. - Psychotherapist, Germany